Fraud/Avoidance reporting to GST Department


According to GST Helpdesk India, currently, the most common types of fraud are collecting tax on the goods/services that are GST-free, exempted, charging GST over and above the defined rate and fraudsters posing as GST officers.

For example, consumers have complained about shopkeepers charging higher rates in the name of GST on daily need items like mineral water, grains, vegetables, packed milk, paneer, butter, Flour that are on the exemption list or lower rate. Then, some businesses are illegally charging GST in addition to the already applied VAT on their bills.

So if you have been a target of any of the above, what should you need to do? To begin with, get rid of the average Indian tendency to stay silent and suffer in silence. There are some, very simple ways to raise a complaint that you can choose from.

a. Fraud Complaint by the official portal

  1. To lodge a complaint against the person who overcharges you, you have to first visit the official website of CBEC Fraud reporting. Click here to visit the site.fraud
  2. Enter your name, email id and type the report (in the report the column fill the details of the person, address, nature of the complaint) and click on the submit button. Once you do this, a representative will first contact the person to verify the details of the complaint and then email you the information.

b. Fraud Complaint by Email

You can email your report at  In the email, mention your name, phone number, name of the person, its location, and the nature of the complaint. Although there is no need to attach the pre and post GST bills along with the mail, do keep the pre-GST bill with you. According to the CBIC, they will first contact the person to check the details with them and then email you the information.

c. Fraud Complaint Through the helpline number

You can also call the number 011-26174191 and raise your complaint.

d. Fraud complaint through Twitter handle

You can also raise your complaint on the official twitter handle of GST @askGST_Goi and the Finance ministry on their official twitter handle @FinMinIndia

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