How to edit Reporting Entity details and DSC Issues in Reporting Portal of Income Tax?

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TaxClue Team
Taxclue is an online news portal for reporting all news, articles, judgments, Circulars, orders, and notifications relating to various corporate and tax laws in India. We use the tagline ‘Simplifying Laws’. Our mission is to Simplify the Laws and make people aware of their rights and duties in relation to tax matters in order to equip them to participate in nation-building.

How to edit Reporting Entity details?

The facility is provided to the Principal Officer of the Reporting Entity (RE) to view and update the Reporting Entity Profile through the Profile section of Reporting Portal. The Reporting Entity profile contains all the information about the Reporting Entity.

To manage the Reporting Entity details, perform the following steps:

  • Principal Officer logs into the reporting portal.
  • On the homepage, click Profile on the top toolbar.
  • On the left sidebar, click Reporting Entity Profile.
  • The RE details appear in the following three tabs:
    • Basic Details
    • Address
    • Contact Details

Only the Designation field of the Basic details is editable. The fields for address and contact details are editable.

  • To edit an address, select the Address tab and then click on the Edit link available on the top-right corner of the table. Make the required changes and click the Save button.
  • To edit contact details, select the Contact Details tab and then click on the Edit link available on the top-right corner of the table. Make the required changes and click the Save button.
  • On clicking Save, the “Saved Successfully” notification appears for the relevant tab.

How to resolve the issue related to Digital Signature

What is Digital Signature

A digital signature is an electronic form of a signature that helps in authenticating the identity of the sender of a message or the signer of a document. It also ensures that the message being sent is not modified by an unauthorized party. Digital signatures are easily transportable and cannot be imitated by someone else.

As per Explanation to sub-rule 4(a) of Rule 114E, “Digital Signature” means a digital signature issued by any Certifying Authority authorized to issue such certificates by the Controller of Certifying Authorities.

Whose digital signature is required to sign the statement XML?

For Form No. 61– Valid DSC of Principal Officer

For Form No. 61A & 61B– Valid DSC of Designated Director

Is it mandatory to sign the statement XML with the same digital certificate which has been registered on Reporting Portal?

Yes, Reporting Entity is required to register the DSC on Reporting Portal and ensure that the same DSC which is registered on Reporting portal is used to sign the secured statement package. Please note that any update in the digital signature certificate should be updated on reporting portal also to avoid DSC mismatch issues.

Which class of DSC should be used while signing the XML?

DSC should be of Class II or III only, issued by CCA-approved certifying agencies in India.

What are the possible reasons for the rejection of statements due to the failure of the digital signature certificate?

The possible reason is as follows:

  • Failed Signature Check: System could not validate the digital signature used to sign the secured statement package.

Resolution: Please re-sign the file with the Digital Signature of the Designated Director. Please note that same DSC should be registered on Reporting Portal also.

  • Signature Not Uploaded: The user has not uploaded the digital signature certificate file on the Reporting portal.

Resolution: Please upload the digital signature certificate file on the Reporting portal.

  • Signature Expired: The digital signature certificate has been expired.

Resolution: Please upload the updated digital signature certificate on the Reporting portal as the existing certificate is expired.

TaxClue Team

Taxclue is an online news portal for reporting all news, articles, judgments, Circulars, orders, and notifications relating to various corporate and tax laws in India. We use the tagline ‘Simplifying Laws’. Our mission is to Simplify the Laws and make people aware of their rights and duties in relation to tax matters in order to equip them to participate in nation-building.

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